Thursday, January 29, 2009

assignment #6

Hello again

I'm doing my assignment #6 on Michaelle Jean

Michaelle Jean is the current Governer general of canada.She is the 27th Governer general 
of canada.She is born September 6 1957.Michaelle Jean was the journalist and broadcaster
of the Radio canada and the CBC.Michaelle studied at the university of Montreal .Michaelle 
learned at the universities of Florence,Perugia, Catholic university of milan.When Michaelle 
went to university she worked at a women's shelter from 1979-1987.After she helped establish
a network of shelters for women and kids across canada.

The website that i went to was
because i didn't find any info in other websites


  1. thanx for following my blog.NICE BLOG!

  2. U should put the whole sentances on one line.


  3. You welcome Nada

    Thanks Eiman for your comment but it is all the same
